In-house project
Funded by the University of Bristol
Funded by the University of Bristol
I developed the BDRML language as a part of my PhD in swarm robotics. After a successful publication, I acquired two rounds of funding from the University of Bristol to develop an editor for the language.
I designed the application user interface and user experience flow and then led software development teams during a two-stage development process.
The editor allows the user to quickly prototype multi-agent algorithms, helping them to identify how data flows between different system sub-components. The main features of the editor include:
- A drag-and-drop interface for various elements of the BDRML language
- An intuitive way of drawing connections between different system elements using a vector-based and snap-to-grid approach
- The ability to save and load diagrams in a JSON-based file format
- Exporting of diagrams to the PNG image format
- A split view for graphical and textual representation of BDRML diagrams
- A zoom in / out feature to make large diagrams easy to navigate