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AI clothes tagger
An AI tool that can classify clothes and recognize their colours.
Applied AI
Technical design
SwarmControl: A digital twin for autonomous UAVs
A UAV swarm simulator for firefighting.
Research software
Applied AI
Technical design
UI/UX design
A marketplace app for trading and exchanging clothes. Cross-platform for iOS & Android.
Mobile apps
Technical design
UI/UX design
V-REP Distributed Robotics Simulator
A robotics simulator that allowed multiple PCs and robots to connect into a common world.
Research software
Technical design
An anti-terrorism app commissioned by the Mayor of London.
Mobile apps
Technical design
UI/UX design
Sketch BDRML
An intuitive cross-platform desktop editor for swarm robotics algorithms modeling.
Research software
Technical design
UI/UX design
Cab My Ride
A taxi app with location-based discounts. Cross-platform for iOS & Android.
Mobile apps
Technical design
A user-friendly Content Management and Web Hosting System.
Technical design
UI/UX design
Slot Machine
A casino game for psychology research, with the odds controlled by reseachers.
Research software
Technical design